business trip
Uniqlo cotton shirt with plastic and wrapping tissue intact, grommets, wheels, screws, nuts
13.5 x 11.5 x 4.5”
solid core door slab, hinges, door knob
83 x 31 x 75” (flat)
72 x 31 x 17” (half stacked)
10.5 x 10.5 x 40” (tower)
cotton polyester, paper, plastic, thread, batting, wheels, masonite, fresh and plastic food products
50 x 50 x 8”
tape, paper, masonite, upholstery foam, batting, hinges, wheels, prefabricated table leg, yarn, thread, nails, magnets, hinges, doorstop, graphite
56.5 x 56.5 x 8.5”
3d quilt 1
cotton, silk mesh, wool, fabric covered buttons, foam, thread
20 x 20 x 2”
3d quilt 2
cotton, silk mesh, wool, fabric covered buttons, foam, thread
21.5 x 21.5 x 5.5”
3d quilt 3
cotton, polyester, paper, fabric covered buttons, foam, thread
21.5 x 21.5 x 5.5”
3d quilt 4
cotton, paper, fabric covered buttons, diamond and pearl earrings, foam, thread
20 x 20 x 7.5”
carry on
paper, batting, thread
12.5 x 8 x 1”
eight and a half by eleven 1
craft paper, fabric, elastic, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 2
craft paper, fabric, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 3
fabric, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 4
craft paper, fabric, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 5
craft paper, fabric, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 6
craft paper, lined paper, fabric, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 7
fabric, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
eight and a half by eleven 8
craft paper, fabric, sequins, thread, batting
8.5 x 11 x 1” each
leftovers, as seen by Canon PIXMA MG Series All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer (photocopy ephemera)
performance, food scraps smashed into copy machine
8.5 x 11”
leftovers, as seen by Canon PIXMA MG Series All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer (video documentation)
performance, food scraps smashed into copy machine
on site in group show at A-Pou’s Taste in Brooklyn, NY